Q: Why does it take so long for my game to ship?

A: At this time, the games are manufactured as they are ordered. When you place an order, it goes into the production queue for manufacturing and shipping. Therefore, production time varies based on the amount of work in the queue ahead of your order, but often takes several weeks. In the future we hope to have more of a supply on hand!

Q: Why is your game more expensive than [another game], which is similar?

A: EcoFrenzy Games is a small game publisher and can only order limited quantities of games at a time, making it difficult to match the bulk orders made by popular games at big retail stores. Additionally, EcoFrenzy is printed in the USA with ecologically sustainable practices (recycled paper banding, soy-based toner), which is more expensive than printing overseas and shipping to the US (but better for pollinators!). Thank you for supporting my small business!

Q: I live in Chicago. Can I buy local to avoid Shipping and Handling?

A: Yes! We are partnering with local stores to make the game available, starting in July 2024. Join the mailing list to be notified when the games are available.